Our Process

Initial Process: First 6 - 12 Months

  • We learn more about you and what you have going on. You learn more about us and how exactly how we work with our clients. In the end, we'll both know if we're a good fit to work together.

  • We'll discuss your goals, worries, plans, etc. We’ll start gathering the data we need to create a plan.

  • Check-in meeting to review outstanding tasks or documents. Discuss any changes in goals and status of plan completion.

  • Review your completed financial plan together and discuss recommendations A - Z.

  • We work together to implement recommendations and complete the initial task list. Some tasks are simple such as opening a high-yield savings account, while others might be more complex, such as establishing a specific trust.

Three people sitting at a shared desk typing on their computers and smiling.

Year Two and Beyond

Ongoing Planning & Support

  • Quarterly planning topics.

  • Periodic meetings and check-ins.

  • Unlimited access via phone, meeting, email.

  • Joint meetings/calls with other business professionals (attorney, CPA, Realtor, etc.).

Quarterly Topics

  • Meeting #1

    • Previous Year Recap & Map Out New Year

    • Investment Strategy & Opportunities Review

    • Prepare for Tax Filing

  • Meeting #2

    • Tax Return Review

    • Cash Flow Check-in

    • Stock Options & Equity Comp Review

  • Your Summer Vacation (No Scheduled Meeting)

    • Estate Plan Review

    • Insurances Review

  • Meeting #3

    • Year-end Opportunities & Tax Planning

    • Open Enrollment & Employee Benefits Review

    • Stock Options & Equity Comp Review

    • Tax Return Review (if filed extension)

  • You will always have access to us via email and call. If there's ever an emergency or high priority item, we will absolutely connect or meet before our scheduled quarterly meeting.

Discover your financial potential.